Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Item #41: She Didn't Know Jack

Through the years she met many.
Through work and through play.
And they each taught her something along the way.
Through Kerry and Justin, David and Jen.
She knew of music, flowers, cooking and Zen.
Through others she knew of confidence and smarts.
Of frankness and tact. Business and Arts.
Because of Jenny and Gloria, David and Jill.
She knew of the way when there was the will.
There was Tammy and Sheryl, Lisa and Mandy.
Katie and Cathy, Doreen and even Andy.
This is just getting started; this could go on and on.
Each person had shaped her, helped make her strong.
She knew so many people, and many very well.
Yet she reminded herself daily and she never forgot.
That with all who she did know, with all the known fact.
It was always still the case that she didn’t know Jack.

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