Exploring the notion of Strategic Planner, or Strategist of any title, as Chief Synthesizer.
Process: To Synthesize
- To combine the parts into a coherent whole;
- The pulling together of ideas or information to develop a common framework for understanding or to create a new idea;
- A thinking skill in Bloom's Taxonomy including generalizing from given facts, relating knowledge from several areas, and using old ideas to create new ones.
Outcome: A Synthesis
- A deduction requiring reasoning from the general to the particular, or from cause to effect;
- The formation of something complex or coherent by combining simpler things; the examining and combining of processed information with other information and intelligence for final interpretation;
- Involving or of the nature of synthesis as opposed to analysis.
Person: The Synthesizer
- An intellectual who synthesizes or uses synthetic methods;
- The synthesizer extracts the equivalent logic circuit functions from a library and connects them together to form a complete circuit.

(www.glencoe.com/sec/teachingtoday/subject/analyze_this.phtml; www.peninsula.wednet.edu/learningteaching/curriculum/CurricDocsWrtg/Preschool/6.Glossary.doc; www.sd54.org/eo/literacy/continuum/essentials_glossary.htm)(wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn; en.wiktionary.org/wiki/synthesis
; P.S.Welch)(www.ami.ac.uk/courses/topics/0100_gls/glossary/glosss.htm)
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